gable top package material gable top package can be use for pack juice or fresh milk, we can supply this aseptic package material from 200ml to 1L. We only supply good quality
KT Screw cap Screw cap for Tetrpak and other aseptic packaging
KT Screw cap Screw cap for Tetrpak and other aseptic packaging
Aseptic brick packaging Aseptic brick packaging Specification: 1, 6layer laminating 2, Printing: Offset 3, Lead time:15days 4, Carton volume: 200-1000ml(slim and base type
Gable top Gable top Specifiaction: PE-PAPER-PE Laminating Gable top carton: 1), Short shelf life products: Milk ,yoghourt,etc 2), Shelf life:7-21days, 0-5.C. 3
KT PP Strip PP Strip use with Aseptic package mateiral.It working in Tetrapak , IPI ,FUji etc with package material heatfor sealing. The width: 8mm, Thickness :0
Aseptic package material Theasepticpackagematerialismadeofamulti_plylaminatingmaterialwhicharePE,Paper,Aluminiumfoil,PEsixlayerslaminated. Thismaterialusuallyuseformilk,juice